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Monday 21 March 2011

What is management Communication? Explain the importance of management Communication

Meaning of Management communication: 

"Management communication" is the interaction between Management groups. The roles of management are different in different a level, which affects the communication patterns. As the middle management is responsible to interpret the organization's policies, practices, works to the different level of employs personnel, who suppose to have themselves knowledge about it.
Whenever we talk of communication, we have generally been referred to employee communication, interpersonal communication and assume it is outside the management. However, both should be given equal importance, because both are equally important for better productivity in the benefits of organization. 

Communicate with the management group is known as management communication or intra-management communication. This aspect of communication is equally important because, if managers at different level are deprived to get proper information, they can not be in a position to explain the policies and practices of organization to his subordinates. 

Why management communication is important for an organization? 

To achieve the objectives of Organization, the managers determine the policies and like to apply them. So, it is extremely important for them that, they have to inform their subordinates about the policies of the organization clearly. Management emphasizes on communication for the following reasons: 

a) Communicating is employee prerequisite: 

In any organization communication with active personnel and employee is prerequisite. In organization, at each management level the managers and supervisors have the responsibility to communicate the employees and subordinates to give them corresponding managerial messages. And messages should be clearer that the concerned person can be understood easily himself. The top management expects the supervisors, the policies and plans, etc. that can explain the subordinates well but if they fail to clearly spell out policies themselves, the supervisors will also fail to interpret it correctly. It may be that enough documents available about to explain some facts, despite, lack of appropriate communication system, plan are not implemented or implemented badly. 

b) Necessary to Meaningful and sound decisions: 

One of the major functions of management is decision making. However, it is put aside some of their performance, they are able to arrange as a competent decision centers, provide services in the development of information channels. Many of these channels must be within management group. Sound decisions can only be expected by appropriate management communication channels. 

c) Maximize chances of effective management: 

Management Communication is an important factor it affects a wide range than that of the workers. Enough information to managers affects a wide area of the performance because it affects many individuals and their activities in the organization. 

d) Links in the chain of communication within the management groups: 

In general, upward and downward communications are five links. Four of the five links that occur between management group, and the link between a supervisor and active workers is the only link is outside the management group. Each link to equally affect the ability to communicate and that it may be caused for distorted, disorganized, dull, and ineffective or could create delays. Thus, if the communication range is long, the kinds of problems are in the large proportion of intra-management. So, effective and impressive management communication is necessary for upward and downward communication. 

e) Communication for self / selves: 

Communications is itself important for managers. Because they are also an employee in any organization, so they also require get and send the information. So we can say that the importance of communication is also personally for all.

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