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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Describe the basic forms of organisational communication

Of course, any organization can not operate without communication. Communication can be in many forms, but all the same thing as the stuff is that all information is carried from one side to another. Successful transfer of information in order to communication, through which the recipient can understand well the information transferred. The recipient fails to understand the exact meaning of transforming information in any way, it can not be said that the communication be completed. For an organization, the communication is as important as blood in the human body. 
Because of many people are involved in the organization therefore we can say the communication is the life source for that. Without dialogues people can not mutually interact with each other or may not be exposed. In the absence of communication system is frayed. 

Forms the core of organizational communication: 

Business communication has three categories: 
1) Internal-operational Communication 
2) External-operational Communication 
3) Personal Communication 

Internal-operational Communication: 

Internal-operational Communication is structured communication within the organization communicate directly in relation to achieve work objectives of the organisation. I mean by the structured, the organisation’s communication system which have been for the organization's plan of operations. By organization's work objectives, I mean the organization by primarily making sure the thing is, be made of nuts and bolts as before the construction of a vehicle, etc. 

To use a familiar example, to making and selling some of its product a company has its major work objectives. The company set up a plan of action to achieve these work objectives, for which communication has the lead role. Specifically, in plan works for each employee have determined and for communication must be there to implement work plan. Some tasks need to get related work information from each others. To perform all works with the harmonious and integrated ways the mutual transfer of some essential information must be there. The flow of these informations is internal-operational communication. 

Specifically, the internal-operational communication is done through various structured activities. For example, in a company internal-operational informations are entered in the computer from the company's executive workstations, it becomes a part of typical database. From the database programmed report is prepared for the needs of each operating department. Then, reports are communicated back to the particular workstation. All such type of or process (information transforming) is comes under the category of Internal-operational communication. 

External-operational communication: 

Operation concerned to achieve work goals that conducted with external individuals and external groups associated with the organisation, such structured communication with outsider is a part of the organization’s external-operational communication. It is the external communication with Organization's public suppliers, service companies, customers, and general public. 

Organization’s all efforts such as marketing manager, sales representative, spiels, descriptive brochure, answer the telephone talks, feedbacks, follow up service calls, and so on, being made in respect to direct selling are comes under this category. Other than, the organization’s advertising efforts- For advertising selection of a suitable medium through that the organization can made structured communication with the public as possible, are comes under this category. The organization does all these works, so the people can be viable relationship. 

In addition, all these and many other efforts combine to make up the organization's external-operational communication. 

Personal Communication: 

Not all communication within the organization are the operational, however, in fact, some dialogue may not been purposely, even not related with the organization's normal operations. Such dialogues may be classified as personal communication. 

Overall personal communication is casual regulation of information and ideas, which keeps people busy on mutual reconciliation. Incidentally, I would like to write what Aristotle said? "humans are social animals". If so, they need to communicate, and they still want to communicate while they have little or nothing to say. 

People want to talk whenever they are together. This kind of mutual personal communication also takes place in work situation, and it is part of an organization's business activities. Although not a component of the plan of operation of the organization, but also personal communicate can have a significant impact on its success. Effects arising due to personal communications, organization can have an effect on the attitude of the members. 

Personal communication can also help from approaches (feedbacks, opinions, practices, trust, etc.). It is a process through which gives ideas about people's thinking to organizations, their views about the conditions of work, organization and interpersonal relationship between them etc. Thus all the conditions directly affect the efficiency of the organization.

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