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Tuesday 13 October 2015

How do you define “index numbers”? Narrate the nature and types of index number with adequate example

Index numbers are meant to study the change in the effects of such factors which cannot be measured directly. According to Bowley, “Index numbers are used to measure the changes in some quantity which we cannot observe directly”. For example, changes in business activity in a country are not capable of direct measurement but it is possible to study relative changes in business activity by studying the variations in the values of some such factors which affect business activity, and which are capable of direct measurement.

Index numbers are commonly used statistical device for measuring the combined fluctuations in a group related variables. If we wish to compare the price level of consumer items today with that prevalent ten years ago, we are not interested in comparing the prices of only one item, but in comparing some sort of average price levels. We may wish to compare the present agricultural production or industrial production with that at the time of independence. Here again, we have to consider all items of production and each item may have undergone a different fractional increase (or even a decrease). How do we obtain a composite measure? This composite measure is provided by index numbers which may be defined as a device for combining the variations that have come in group of related variables over a period of time, with a view to obtain a figure that represents the ‘net’ result of the change in the constitute variables.
Index numbers may be classified in terms of the variables that they are intended to measure. In business, different groups of variables in the measurement of which index number techniques are commonly used are (i) price, (ii) quantity, (iii) value and (iv) business activity. Thus, we have index of wholesale prices, index of consumer prices, index of industrial output, index of value of exports and index of business activity, etc. Here we shall be mainly interested in index numbers of prices showing changes with respect to time, although methods described can be applied to other cases. In general, the present level of prices is compared with the level of prices in the past. The present period is called the current period and some period in the past is called the base period.
Index Numbers:
Index numbers are statistical measures designed to show changes in a variable or group of related variables with respect to time, geographic location or other characteristics such as income, profession, etc. A collection of index numbers for different years, locations, etc., is sometimes called an index series.
Simple Index Number-        A simple index number is a number that measures a relative change in a single variable with respect to a base.
Composite Index Number- A composite index number is a number that measures an average relative changes in a group of relative variables with respect to a base.
Uses of Index Numbers
The main uses of index numbers are given below:
·       Index numbers are used in the fields of commerce, meteorology, labour, industrial, etc.
·       The index numbers measure fluctuations during intervals of time, group differences of geographical position of degree etc.
·       They are used to compare the total variations in the prices of different commodities in which the unit of measurements differs with time and price etc.
·       They measure the purchasing power of money.
·       They are helpful in forecasting the future economic trends.
·       They are used in studying difference between the comparable categories of animals, persons or items.
·       Index numbers of industrial production are used to measure the changes in the level of industrial production in the country.
·       Index numbers of import prices and export prices are used to measure the changes in the trade of a country.
·       The index numbers are used to measure seasonal variations and cyclical variations in a time series.
Nature of Index Number
·       Index numbers are specified average used for comparison in situation where two or more series are expressed in different units or represent different items. E. g. Consumer price index representing prices of various items or the index of industrial production representing various commodities produced.
·       Index number measure the net change in a group of related variable over a period of time.
·       Index number measure the effect of change over a period of time, across the range of industries, geographical regions or countries.
·       The consumption of the index number is carefully planned according to the purpose of their computation, collection of data and application of appropriate method, assigning of correct weightages and formula.
Types of Index numbers:
There are various types of index numbers, but in brief, we shall take three kinds and they are
(a) Price Index, (b) Quantity Index and (c) Value Index
a)  Price Index: For measuring the value of money, in general, price index is used. It is an index number which compares the prices for a group of commodities at a certain time as at a place with prices of a base period. There are two price index numbers  such as whole sale price index numbers and retail price index numbers. The wholesale price index reveals the changes into general price level of a country, but the retail price index reveals the changes in the retail price of commodities such as consumption of goods, bank deposits, etc.
b)  Quantity Index: Quantity index number is the changes in the volume of goods produced or consumed. They are useful and helpful to study the output in an economy.
c)  Value Index: Value index numbers compare the total value of a certain period with total value in the base period. Here total value is equal to the price of commodity multiplied by the quantity consumed.
Notation: For any index number, two time periods are needed for comparison. These are called the Base period and the Current period. The period of the year which is used as a basis for comparison is called the base year and the other is the current year. The various notations used are as given below:
P1 = Price of current year            P0 = Price of base year
q1 = Quantity of current year      q0 = Quantity of base year
Problems in the construction of index numbers
No index number is an all-purpose index number. Hence, there are many problems involved in the construction of index numbers, which are to be tackled by an economist or statistician. They are:
1.  Purpose of the index numbers
2.  Selection of base period
3.  Selection of items
4.  Selection of source of data
5.  Collection of data
6.  Selection of average
7.  System of weighting

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